Dosage and Use
Through the plasticizing and dispersing effect of DARASET 310 the concrete mix becomes more homogeneous. The tendency of segregation and bleeding is reduced. DARASET 310 leads to an accelerated reaction between the cement components and the gauging water. The quicker formation of the strength-relevant hydration in the concrete accelerates the development of the early strength. At the same time, there are no adverse effects on the workability time of the concrete. DARASET 310 can be used at temperatures above –15 °C. The used materials should be heated and the temperature of the fresh concrete should be higher than +10 °C. The concrete must be protected against frost through special precautions.
Best results are obtained when added with the gauging water or as the last component and then at least mixed for an additional 45 seconds. If DARASET 310 is dispensed into the truck, mixing of con-crete must be effected until the product is totally dispensed and the concrete structure appears homogeneous.
Special Information
Preliminary tests, according to official national standards, are always required before use!
In Germany it is not allowed to use products based on nitrate for reinforced concretes.